This tutorial will cover how to add react-native in a running cljs project.

I will flow this repo: souenzzo/cljs-rn-tutorial

To run this app you need to start the repl with all profiles clj -A:dev:cljs then call (user/-main)

  • commit Add the react-native dependencie
yarn add react-native
  • commmit Generate react-native files

Createa a app.json file

{ "name":        "cljsrn"
, "displayName": "cljs+rn"}

Append this in your .gitignore


run ./node_modules/.bin/react-native eject and git add ios app.json android

I also do not like to commit generated files, but it is necessary :'(

Create a index.js this this template.

Then you can run ./node_modules/.bin/react-native start and ./node_modules/.bin/react-native run-android

To make a ./node_modules/.bin/react-native run-android, you need to get a emulator running or a phone in the cabble with android dev stuff configured.

Once you get the app running on android, you can edit the text, save, press r-r on the emulator and see the reload

  • commit Configure shadow-cljs This commit will configure shadow-cljs and move the hello from js to cljs.

After do this, you will need to restart the REPL. That shoud be the only one restart.

I started the fulcro. Coping the code from the web and moving the dom ns to react-native.

[WIP] - I need to get the remote working.